by Bill Cooley
(Published in Disciples World, March 2004 p.27)
Doctrine minimalists founded the Christian Church (Disciples
of Christ), and the current membership of the denomination remains true to this
principle.� Our congregations accept new
members based only on an affirmative answer to the question: �Do you believe
Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, and accept him as your personal
However, contemporary biblical scholarship and
secular reasoning have a growing number of Disciples taking a closer look at
the meaning behind these words.�
Specifically, can we as a denomination accommodate followers of Christ�s
teachings who make this confession of faith, but don�t believe in Jesus�
divinity?� Thus, a carefully considered
and well informed discussion of the question of Jesus� divinity and
understanding what is meant in the confession of faith is important for the
future of our denomination, and I hope this article will engage church leaders
with some initial thoughts on the subject.
To question Jesus� divinity is to revisit early
church decisions, particularly those of the Council of Nicea.� Called by Emperor Constantine, the Council
consisted of roughly 300 bishops who debated the question of Jesus� divinity,
among other subjects, for seven weeks in the summer of 325 C.E. The political
stakes were high, as Christianity had become a powerful force and
In modern times, academics like Marcus Borg and
radical thinkers like Episcopal Bishop John Spong are calling the broader
church to abandon its emphasis on blood sacrifice and salvation.� Bestsellers are also contributing to
Disciples� reconsideration of the fundamental tenants of their beliefs about
organized religion, including Dan Brown�s
The Da Vinci Code, which includes disturbing details of church history.�
While Disciples leaders like Doug Skinner give a
compelling and familiar call to faith, the call rings hollow to the heretical
churchgoers and the unchurched alike as they struggle to reconcile history and
logic with faith.� Can a denomination
that espouses �no creed but Christ� and asks members to affirm that �Jesus is
the Son of God� accommodate a very liberal � some might argue heretical �
interpretation of what that means?� Can Disciples
ministers accommodate these disparate views in the pews?� Are the language and emphasis of our worship
services broad enough to house the potential spectrum of belief?� Will those who conclude Jesus was
intrinsically no different from you and me be required to perform etymological
gymnastics to reconcile their modest faith if they wish to participate in the
Although Jesus� divinity is a matter of faith and
not mathematical proof, the use of faith building blocks as part of this
discussion may be helpful.� Among these
are the virgin birth (discussed in the December 03 issue of Disciples World); the recorded miracles;
the arguably celibate lifestyle of Jesus; and, most significantly, the
Those accepting this invitation to discussion should
recognize that the ground rules are different than those that governed in
Nicea.� No modern